Blog Post Idea Theft? I’m Honored!

My blog post got ganked!

While I’m not claiming to have any rights on this, I did just have my first run-in with one of my old posts getting regurgitated by another, more popular, and more well-known blog…TechCrunch…which subsequently was regurgitated by Lifehacker!

While most people’s reaction might be anger or resentment, NOT ME!  I think it is awesome!  Old news to us hacker folk, but I guess the news needed to get out and I’m not exactly a successful blogger…so…

PENTESTFAIL.COM: Google Now: Location History is Back!: In the beginning… Lets do a quick review of Google location tracking services as they pertain to providing you services from Google.  Tho...

Go read their less detailed and very late to the game posts on stuff I told you about MONTHS AGO!
